Reflecting on 2022

What a great year 2022 was for being naked. The weather over the summer was fantastic, but it also started a lot earlier. March was the first opportunity to get out and be naked.

We visited Rose Cottage in North Devon for my 50th birthday with our dear friends Hazel & John , who used to be members of Haslemere Sun Club many years ago.

The club also got to celebrate its 75th anniversary this year, which was a fantastic event. In fact it was one of the best attended socials ever with a live band on the Sunday night.

We also go to visit Clover Spa in Birmingham for the second time, this time staying at the venue overnight, enroute to North Yorkshire.

Whilst in Yorkshire the weather was good again for us, with one day being exceptionally warm. The advantages of staying somewhere in the middle of nowhere meant you could be naked without offending anyone .

Let’s hope that 2023 gives us more opportunities to be naked, and to share that time with great friends. Happy 2023 to you all!!
Great nudist collage and history of 2022. Wishing you a Happy Nude Year in 2023.