Welcome to Naturism4.me

Naturism4.me a new naturist website giving you an inside view of a naturists way of life.

Smile & The World Smiles back

Thank you for visiting my website, my personal naked blog on the world as I see it.

I have been a naturist for the past 22 years at least, and over this time I have met the most genuine, loveable people you can meet.

We’re all the same underneath our exterior clothing, in fact when we are all stripped back bare, we are all equal. You wouldn’t know if I was a millionaire, or down to my last pound. You wouldn’t know if I was a surgeon or a bin man.

That is what makes being a naturist such a fantastic relaxing free pastime. We are all the same and should be treated as such.

So sit back, relax and enjoy my website. Any feedback gratefully received.

Big G

3 Replies to “Welcome to Naturism4.me”

  1. Love the blog and your passionate acceptance and enjoyment of naturist life. We are longtime naturists from Canada and have similar passion and enjoyment. Glad we became naturists many years ago.


    1. Thanks Jan & Gary

      I became a naturist over 30 years ago, and don’t regret a day of it. My view Is if you can do it naked, then just do it.
      Love the freedom that naturism brings, and of course the all over tan!!

  2. Hi, I enjoyed your blog, I’m glad to see enthusiasm still out there! My current and previous partner have been less keen, but have accompanied me to Studland – a place I loved from my single days. I am happy to follow your blog and hope it can build among the community.

    Good wishes,


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