Author: Graham Powell - Big G

Early 50’s naturist, who enjoys the freedom of being naked as often as nature allows. Free your spirit, free your mind, free your body.

Naked Workout

Well that was a first for me. During lockdown I haven’t been able to get out as much as I would like to, and with the gyms currently being closed, haven’t been able to get down there and burn off some of the excess weight I have put on over the past 12 months.

Now I’d seen that British Naturism were advertising a number of events on their website, and thought to myself, why not. I can’t get to the gym at the moment, I’m not paying my monthly fee, so for a fiver, I thought I’d give it a go.

I set my computer up so that it could mirror the screen on the big TV, so I could easily follow the instructor more. I didn’t realise the work out was going to be on Zoom until 10 minutes before the event, so wasn’t fully prepared.

When I synced it with the TV, the volume was ever so quite on the MacBook and was not coming through on the TV. I could barely hear the music, but could easily follow the instructor on the big screen. Maybe it was because I was sharing the screen that a setting had been triggered to reduce the volume (who know’s, but I’ll be more prepared next time).

Before I knew it the class had started. Think it was me and a handful of other blokes who had signed up to the class, didn’t see any other women there, which isn’t a surprise I suppose. One thing I was surprised at though was the amount of sweat pouring off me after completing the 45 minute exercise class.

The name of the class was GroovX Stix. It was an upbeat workout with the use of drumsticks or other similar utensils you could find round the house. I opted for the wooden spoons. I started off with my exercise mat on the floor, but soon realised this was going to be more of a hinderance than help, so pushed this out of the way. It was now just me, two wooden spoons and a rug protecting the floor.

Boy did the sweat pour off me, and probably for good reason. Working out naked and trying to film it really did highlight to me how much weight I’ve put on over the lockdown period. I am now 2 stone heavier from when I was at my lightest when we were members of Slimming World, and I didn’t like what I saw. The overhang on my belly is HUGE, and is not something I’m proud of.

Will I be doing the Naked WorkOut again? The jury is out on that one but I do know that exercise clothed or unclothed is now on the agenda, especially with the lighter nights on the horizon.

Christmas Nudesletter

Well what a year 2020 has been, and this has been summarised in annual Nudesletter that I try to complete this time of the year. So enjoy the attached newsletter and let me know what you think.


Categories: Naturism

North Devon Camping

It was a spur of the moment thing , we were celebrating 4 years of being married and with lockdown we hadn’t really planned anything to go away. We were due to see Michael Buble in Bath but that got postponed until 2021.

So after the wonderful weather forecast I thought let’s book a naturist camping trip. So here we are at Acorns Naturist Retreat, except the weather is not as warm as Friday and there is more cloud than sun.

We left straight after work at 4:00pm and set off for Devon, only took us just over 3 hours to get here and traffic wasn’t that bad.

From what I have seen of the place it’s really nice cosy and friendly, and it’s away from everyone else down a little country lane. Leave your troubles and your clothes at the entrance.

Due to covid19 the sauna was closed however the hot tub was still open, unfortunately the button to start the bubbles was not working so we just sat in it to get warm, it was heated to 38 degrees. We didn’t try the pool out as the sun just wasn’t out long enough to warrant getting in.

There are two fields available to walk around which have had pathways cut into, quite nice seeing the wild flowers and mighty oak trees that give this place its name.

The old dairy shed is the place to go and have a meal, so long as you order in advance. I loved the rustic feel of it and that the light fittings were made from milking suction udder things!!

Would definitely come back here again, hopefully when the weather plays ball and it is warmer than the 19 degrees that we got.

The Place to be When You Have Nothing On!

To be naked or not to be naked? ….. that’s the question

Naked- being without clothing or covering

That is the definition on

For me being naked is a release from the every day stresses of life. Life all too often is fast paced and stressful at times. Being naked is taking a step back from your day to day activity and taking back some me time.

During this lockdown, I’ve found myself wanting to be naked for longer and because we have been confined to our homes this has enabled me to do this more, and with the glorious weather too it’s been another reason to enjoy it in the sun ??.

I’ve also found myself walking round the house more without a stitch on, because I find it more comfortable than wearing clothes. When you are slightly overweight the last thing you want to be reminded of is the fact some of your clothes are now a bit tight fitting on you. With out clothes you don’t get that same feeling as nothing is trying to hold you in. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like being fat/overweight and want to lose my oversized belly this summer, but I also feel comfortable in my own skin, and accept the way I am. That’s the first thing you need to feel comfortable to go naked- body acceptance.

We are all of differing shapes and sizes and that should not make a difference if you are naked. It’s what you’re like on the inside, that determines what people think of you. Both myself and Claire would rather we had better bodies but it’s what we’re like on the inside that determines if people like us or not.

Naked and free
Me and Claire

Being a member of a Sun Club also enables me to enjoy my free time with likeminded individuals in a safe and welcoming environment. I’ve been a member of Haslemere Sun Club since 1999, 21 years this year, and I can hand on heart say that I’ve met the most genuine and friendliest of people there who have turned out to be life long friends. I think being a naturist means you’ve nothing to hide, people take you as you are, wrinkles, flab and all.

With the lockdown too, I’ve felt more confident than ever to experience being naked in the general open, where you run the risk of being seen by complete strangers. It’s important to note, that it’s not illegal to be naked in public unless you are going out to deliberately offend someone. The fact you feel comfortable walking naked in the sunshine without another soul around does not make you a pervert or weirdo. The freedom of walking around with no clothes is liberating and refreshing, no sticky clothes clinging to you when you get too hot ?, and just the general feeling of being at one with nature. If you haven’t experienced it, I’d recommend it, you May just enjoy it and wonder why you’d never tried it before now!!

Be Naked…..Be Free

Categories: Naturism

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Lockdown Naturism

Lockdown Sunshine

Ever since lockdown was announced back in Mid March,we have experienced exceptional weather here in the South East of England. In fact it’s probably been the best naturist start to any season I can remember in a long time.

I feel that during this time I have left my inhibitions down even further, not worrying about being naked in the garden. Luckily we have a south facing garden, but unfortunately a ruddy great oak tree which shields out the sunlight until at least 1.00pm everyday. I’ve also got 2 old neighbours either side of me, who unless they are hanging out of their bedroom windows shouldn’t be able to see me.

We’ve also taken this time of lockdown to get out and about exercising a bit more, and that has involved going for long walks across Longmoor Ranges just outside Bordon. Normally the red flags are flying which means you can’t walk through the middle, but during lockdown they have been down more than up, which has enabled us to go for long walks, often not seeing another soul until you emerge from the other end of the ranges . I’ve even braved it to strip off and walk au naturel when the coast was clear.

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Rose Cottage

We are back here to chillax after another busy Christmas visiting family and friends.

We last visited Rose Cottage in High Bickington back in March for my birthday, we loved the place so much we had to come and visit it again.

The large copper bath and outdoor hot tub are obvious big draws to this wonderful place.

The bath is big enough for 2 or even 3!!

A bath big enough for 2

Praying it will last forever

The cottage is old and has a thatched roof and very low Timbers in the lounge, not ideal for someone who is 6ft 3 tall, but oozes character.

The owners of the cottage think of everything, making it a very welcoming place to be. When you arrive you are greeted to the smell of fresh baked bread from the kitchen. A welcome cake on the table, and the sound of Michael Bublé playing throughout the house via the Sonos speakers in every corner of a room.

You have a log burning fire to heat the room which is so mesmerising just watching as the flames flicker from side to side.

But one of my favourite things about this place is the hot tub in the garden. When you stay here you spend most of your time in water, be it in the bath or tub.

Cheeky smiles with cheeky bums

Elfing around

Cheers Jelly

Looks like a full moon tonight

Categories: General

Merry Christmas Everyone

‘Tis that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of Christ and get to eat too much, drink too much and basically enjoy ourselves too much, only to regret it afterwards when we discover we’ve put on half a stone in weight!!

Walking in a winter wonderland

Claire and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy Nude Year.

Let’s hope it’s a lot drier and sunnier in 2020.

The naked bauble

Categories: General

Splash Landings Hotel

Well another BN event attended this year, and this time it was going along to Splash Landings Hotel at the Alton Towers Resort in Staffordshire for their Annual Naturist weekend.

Where’s the sun?

We set off from Hampshire at about 11:00 with Claire, myself , Chris and Richard representing the Haslemere Sun Club.

The journey was fine it’s just the time it takes to get there, about 4 hours. We arrived just after 4, having stopped on the way for refreshments and then at a local Tesco for booze in the room.

Once we were checked into our room, we were able to be naked until the time we left late Sunday morning.

The evening entertainment was great on the Friday Night, with a three piece band called Trident singing all manner of songs to suite everybody. The lead singer looked remarkably like Shakira a Scottish lady I dated before I met Claire, thankfully it wasn’t.

This was followed by a couple of girls playing Sax and bongos to Ibiza tunes, called Girls that Mix. Chris was very much in his element when they came on and thoroughly loved it. In fact they were very good and the drums were very infectious.

Chris with Girls that Mix

The next day was an opportunity to experience the water park as nature intended……naked!!

The log flumes were my favourite just had to make sure you raised your bum up so it wasn’t scrapping the floor. Lazy river was another fun area, ensuring that Chris and Rich got a good soaking from the waterfalls.

Splash Landings Water Park

The most energetic part was getting involved in the water polo. It was more like water rugby, a lot of pushing and shoving and getting knocked about in the water. I got bashed in the face by a girl and ended up with an aching arm and leg. Great fun though and Rich and I made a formidable alliance with my height and his accuracy at throwing the ball. Must say that was the first time I’ve sweated in the water!!! You got to know people quite close up too ?.

Evening time we had another very good band. Rang-a-Tang were a group with a jungle theme. One of the guitarists got in on the act wearing just a mankini, good on him. Again they were very good getting everyone up and dancing. The theme was Jungle night and there were some very good costumes, or should I say body paintings. We tried our best as tarzans but were not as good as a lot of others.

Us Tarzans. You Janes

Both nights we were up until at least 1:00am and come Sunday morning I just wanted to get home to my bed…….although there was another 4 hour drive before that would happen.

The weekend was good, the food was alright (except for the sausages at breakfast) and the entertainment was fab. Would I go again, not sure it’s a long way to go just to be naked for 48 hours. Claire didn’t enjoy it, but she doesn’t like crowds and loud noise so that’s why.

Had a fab time with 500 other like minded individuals.

That’s all folks!!

Categories: General

Back to reality

After an awesome week in Vera Playa, it’s now back to reality in the UK, and the unpredictable English weather.

On my final day got to have one final massage, this time it was €50, but a full hour from head to toe and front and back. Must say I came back very relaxed and chilled……how long will this last when I’m back to work next week!!

The weather on our last day wasn’t at good, became a bit cloudy and a strong breeze picked up on the beach. Was probably the quietest day on the beach.

Either way I take away happy and fond memories of this trip and hope to visit again some day……..let’s hope its not too long.

Early morning stretch

My favourite bar – The Pirates Bar on Vera beach

Walking back to apartment after all day beach session

Posing on The balcony

Night time view of the pool

Categories: General

Another day in paradise

Another gorgeous day in Vera Playa, not a cloud in the sky, so another day of sunbathing, people watching, swimming in the sea, walking back and forth along the seashore and the occasional beer at Pirates Bar to cool down.


Cheers everyone

After a day on the beach, Claire wanted some fags so we trotted off to the supermarket, only to come back empty handed as they didn’t sell them and the tobacco store was closed. Had to put my sarong on for this part of the journey and all I worried about was a gust of wind coming along and blowing it open.

Me recreating the famous Beatles album

Welcome to the Naturist area

Smile ?

Categories: General