Tag: au naturel

First warm weekend in forever

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We are now nearing the end of August and this is the first time in about 7 weeks that I’ve been able to strip off and enjoy the sun without feeling cold.

Let’s hope we have an Indian summer and September ends up being a scorcher.

These are probably the only naked pics I’ll post this year, just haven’t been to the right places or had the right weather to be naked!

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Reflecting on 2022

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A look back at 2022 and the opportunities to be naked

What a great year 2022 was for being naked. The weather over the summer was fantastic, but it also started a lot earlier. March was the first opportunity to get out and be naked.

We visited Rose Cottage in North Devon for my 50th birthday with our dear friends Hazel & John , who used to be members of Haslemere Sun Club many years ago.

We also got to visit Acorns Naturist Retreat, again in North Devon at the end of July to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Little did we know then that this would be the last time we would visit them as they have now closed and sold up.

The club also got to celebrate its 75th anniversary this year, which was a fantastic event. In fact it was one of the best attended socials ever with a live band on the Sunday night.

We also got to house sit for Claire’s mum before we went on holiday. With the weather still playing ball I got to try out my drone and walk around the place naked all the time, plus it helped not wearing clothes for those sweaty dirty jobs .

We also go to visit Clover Spa in Birmingham for the second time, this time staying at the venue overnight, enroute to North Yorkshire.

Whilst in Yorkshire the weather was good again for us, with one day being exceptionally warm. The advantages of staying somewhere in the middle of nowhere meant you could be naked without offending anyone .

Let’s hope that 2023 gives us more opportunities to be naked, and to share that time with great friends. Happy 2023 to you all!!

A look back over the year

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Well 2021 was marginally better than 2020. Covid tried to mess things up again, but thankfully this year was slightly better. The weather was as to be expected, unpredictable and underwhelming.

That didn’t stop us from getting our kit off whenever the sun shone, and this year we got to visit more places than we have done before.

Me and my Jel, happy as can be

First opportunity to get naked outdoors was in May to see the bluebells in the woods. Luckily my mother in law owns a large amount of land and has a wood that is private so is fairly safe to strip off without offending anyone.


Other than trips up the club, or back garden naturism, the next time we properly got to strip off was at Nudefest in early July. The weather wasn’t particularly nice other than one day, apart from that it was particularly wet (especially when it came to dismantling the tent). You’d think July would be the best time to hold such an event.

Outside our tent at Nudefest with Chris.

Tything Barn

We moved on from Somerset where Nudefest was held to a much sunnier South Wales, in fact it turned out to be the hottest week of the year. We had fantastic weather. It was the first time that we got to visit Tything Barn a rustic naturist campsite not far from Tenby in a place called Kilgetty. Its located by the banks of a tidal river, however you never got to see much of the river as its mainly mud banks and has a lagoon that is fed from the river. I must say it felt very strange swimming in the lagoon, with the soft mud between your toes when you touched the bottom. I tried not to walk in the water as you didn’t know what you were going to tred on. They had some Kayaks for visitors to use, so I made use of this and went for a paddle round the lagoon. The only downside was the blasted horseflies that kept landing on you. They are complete buggers as you often don’t know what is sucking your blood until its too late and then you have a nasty bite on your bits!


It wasn’t long before we got to go away again at the end of July to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We decided to visit Acorns Naturist retreat in North Devon. The weather, like last year, was not particularly great, and in fact couldn’t have been worse. We chose to camp when Storm Evert hit the UK. It was a good thing we took the inflatable tent with us, as I’m sure any other tent with poles would not have survived the night. The windbreaks certainly didn’t.

Despite the lousy weather this was our 2nd trip to this site and one that we will visit time and time again, we are just hoping that the weather improves in the future, 3rd time lucky in 2022?

Clover Spa

The next trip away was not to be until September on our way to Ilkley in Yorkshire. Clover Spa in Birmingham was about half way there, so Claire thought it would be a good opportunity to extend our break and visit this spa that I have always wanted to try out. As it was September, we weren’t expecting the weather to be overly warm, but it would have been nice if the sun came out. Unfortunately for us most of the day it remained overcast, but it didn’t rain, which was a plus.

So that just about sums up our naturist year. Next year is looking quite busy with lots of concerts to attend, which will mean less opportunity to get naked around the country, but who knows……

We wish you a very Happy Nude Year for 2022, and hope that we can all enjoy the sun as nature intended……NAKED!

Happy Nude Year Everyone

Relaxing in Yorkshire

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We arrived at our destination just outside Ilkley to enjoy 7 days of chilling and walking with the most amazing views from our doorstep.

What makes it all the better is the hot tub overlooking the views below.

Chillin in the hot tub

We are staying in an old pump house that has been converted into the most luxurious of holiday accommodation. They have thought of everything here.

The Pump House

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Clover Spa

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What a great way to start our holiday enroute to Yorkshire.

Claire wanted to extend our break away and at the same time breaking up the journey and suggested we visit the Naturist Spa in Birmingham.

It’s been a place I’ve always wanted to visit, and was great that Claire suggested it.

We booked the Ultimate Spa package which gave you full use of the facilities from 10am to 10pm, and 90 minutes of treatments.

The venue has a steam room, sauna, plunge pool, hot beds and an outside hot tub. The hot tub is very big and you can probably fit in 10 people!

The day we went it was ladies and couples weekend only, which was great, no single males allowed. Outside the garden has plenty of sun loungers, it’s a pity it wasn’t overly sunny when we visited. The gardens are not overlooked and are very well kept and picturesque.

For my 90 minute treatment I opted for a full body scrub followed by a Swedish massage. I must say I did feel very relaxed and felt myself wanting to drift off.

It’s a pity the hotel accommodation was full as we could have come and gone from our room all day. We did however find a Travelodge up the road.

We will definitely be coming back here again, maybe the next time we travel en route to destinations in the north.

See for yourself what you think:


First back garden sun of the year

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I may have missed out on the extraordinary weather earlier in the week, but I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to sunbathe naked in my garden on Good Friday.

The sun shone without a cloud in the sky, very much like it was in the lockdown 12 months ago. It may not have been as warm but out of the wind it was as hot as a summers day.

Let’s hope this continues

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Happy Nude Year

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Well 2020 was certainly a year to forget and fast forward through. So many plans and trips were cancelled because of Covid and even now at the end of 2020 it is still disrupting our lives.

We managed a few trips away in 2020, and a couple of firsts. We got to visit Studland beach for the first time in July, and thoroughly enjoyed that. We were also lucky to visit Acorns Naturist Retreat in North Devon and will definitely be back to visit again in 2021.

Here’s to a much better 2021 and more opportunities to fully embrace the naturist lifestyle. Looking forward to sharing our naturist life with you guys in 2021!! #normalizingnaturism

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The last days of summer

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Well you can’t say that 2020 hasn’t been memorable. With Covid19 and the country in lockdown from March, you couldn’t fault the weather. We had the best weather ever in early lockdown and roll forward 6 months to September 2020, looks like we’re gonna end on a high too.

So what’s the best way to enjoy this weather? ……. Naked of course. And this is what I did this weekend up at the club (Haslemere Sun Club)

To be naked or not to be naked? ….. that’s the question

Naked- being without clothing or covering

That is the definition on dictionary.com

For me being naked is a release from the every day stresses of life. Life all too often is fast paced and stressful at times. Being naked is taking a step back from your day to day activity and taking back some me time.

During this lockdown, I’ve found myself wanting to be naked for longer and because we have been confined to our homes this has enabled me to do this more, and with the glorious weather too it’s been another reason to enjoy it in the sun ??.

I’ve also found myself walking round the house more without a stitch on, because I find it more comfortable than wearing clothes. When you are slightly overweight the last thing you want to be reminded of is the fact some of your clothes are now a bit tight fitting on you. With out clothes you don’t get that same feeling as nothing is trying to hold you in. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like being fat/overweight and want to lose my oversized belly this summer, but I also feel comfortable in my own skin, and accept the way I am. That’s the first thing you need to feel comfortable to go naked- body acceptance.

We are all of differing shapes and sizes and that should not make a difference if you are naked. It’s what you’re like on the inside, that determines what people think of you. Both myself and Claire would rather we had better bodies but it’s what we’re like on the inside that determines if people like us or not.

Naked and free
Me and Claire

Being a member of a Sun Club also enables me to enjoy my free time with likeminded individuals in a safe and welcoming environment. I’ve been a member of Haslemere Sun Club since 1999, 21 years this year, and I can hand on heart say that I’ve met the most genuine and friendliest of people there who have turned out to be life long friends. I think being a naturist means you’ve nothing to hide, people take you as you are, wrinkles, flab and all.

With the lockdown too, I’ve felt more confident than ever to experience being naked in the general open, where you run the risk of being seen by complete strangers. It’s important to note, that it’s not illegal to be naked in public unless you are going out to deliberately offend someone. The fact you feel comfortable walking naked in the sunshine without another soul around does not make you a pervert or weirdo. The freedom of walking around with no clothes is liberating and refreshing, no sticky clothes clinging to you when you get too hot ?, and just the general feeling of being at one with nature. If you haven’t experienced it, I’d recommend it, you May just enjoy it and wonder why you’d never tried it before now!!

Be Naked…..Be Free

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